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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júna 8, 2013

Lovely images / Nádherné fotky

I had to publish these images becase they touched my heart immediatelly. Their design is absolutely fantastic. What do you think? Musela som uverejnit tieto fotografie, pretože ma hneď chytili za srdce. Ich design  je priam fantastický. Čo si  myslíte vy?

Beautiful scandinavian kitchens / Nádherné škandinávske kuchyne

It is really fact, the scandinavian kitchen is one of the nicest kitchen of the world. I believe that you agree with me. I chose some beautiful swedish kitchen from Hemnet site. My favourite is with black wall. :) Je to naozaj tak, škandinávske kuchyne patria k najkrajším kuchyniam na svete. Verím, že mi dáte za pravdu. Vybrala som na dnes niekoľko od Hemnetu. Moja najobľúbenejšia je s čiernou zadnou stenou. :)