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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 18, 2014

Inspiracie pre kupelne / Inspirations for bathrooms

Mojim velkym snom je velka kupelna, ale v panelaku to nebude asi nikdy mozne :(. Je pravda, ze sa v kupelni clovek nikdy dlho nezdrzuje, ale ja by som sa tam zdrzala velmi rada a v peknej vani nacerpala sily a energiu. A zvlast by sa mi pacila vacsia kupelna, lebo ked sa tam viaceri clenovia rodiny stretnu naraz, tak nech sa tam necitia stiesneno. Kto potrebuje v tejto chvilu inspiracie pre kupelne, nech sa paci, nahliadnite! :) Lucia Albertine * I have one dream, it is big or bigger bathroom. But in our dwelling-house is not possible :( It is true that nobody will stay long in the bathroom but I would like to stay longer there and get an energy in nice bath. Bigger bathroom is good also for bigger family. If anyone needs some nice inspirations for bathrom, here you are... Lucia Albertine Images via Skonahem

Domov s vonou pomaranca / Home with the smell of orange

Dalsia neskutocna inspiracia na vianocnu atmosferu, ktoru si mozete vycarovat priamo u Vas doma. Jedine, co potrebujete su pomarance, klinceky, kahanceky, nozik, formicka, ktora sa pouziva na perniky.Ostane uz staci sledovat len navod uverejneny nizsie...Krasne a vonave tvorenie :) * Here is another nice inspiration for christmas atmosphere which you can have in your home. All what you need are oranges, cloves, small burners, knife, form. Then you can follow the instruction have a fun :) Images via Skonahem

Uzasny skandinavsky byt pre muzskeho obyvatela / Amazing scandinavian apartment for man

Je to velmi zaujimavy, maly svedsky byt, ktory je zariadeny typicky pre muza. Ma krasne zariadenie, uzasnu podlahu a samozrejme kuchynsky stol so stolickami, ktory je perfektny :). Velmi dobre je poriesena postel a pod nou gauc, cim sa usetril priestor. Uzasne su stojace lampy, ale aj celkova atmosfera bytu. * It is very interesting, small swedish apartment which is furnished only for man. We can see amazing furniture, lovely wooden floor and of course beautiful table with nice chairs. The space is solved nicely with bed and sofa which is under the bed. I love the lamps and whole atmosphere in the apartment. Images via Magnusson

Carovny interier s velkym oknami / Magical interior with high windows

Mam velku slabost pre interiery s velkymi oknami, interier potom hned vyzera majestatnejsie, honosnejsie :) Na druhej strane je zase pravda, ze je problem s umyvanim okien, ale kto chce byt pekny, musi prinasat aj nejake tie obety... Musim povedat, ze ale tieto interiery su viac ako uchvatne :) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * I love so much  the interiors with high windows, the interior looks so lovely, interesting and majestic. Of course there is a problem with window cleaning but everyone who wants to be nice, must make sacrifices... But I have to say these interiors below are great :) Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Homedsgn, Google, Pinterest