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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 18, 2014

Ozdoba na Halloween / Decoration for Halloween

Halloween je uz o niekolko dni a poniektori si davaju zalezat na vselijakych ozdobach na tento den a tekvice sa dostavaju aj tam, kde sa nam ani nesnivalo...toto video ma uzasne pobavilo, tak preto ho posielam aj Vam pre krajsi den :) Lucia Albertine   * Halloween is already here in a few days and some people want to be prepared for this day and decorate with pumpkins some places of their homes ....when I saw this fun video I decided to send to you for nicier day:) Lucia Albertine   Information by Skona hem

Caro pletenia / Magic of knit

Je pravda, ze ked clovek vie strikovat, vie si vyrobit veci aj sam pre seba a nemusi sa spoliehat, ci to v obchodoch dostane alebo  nie. V poslednom case som aj ja velkym fanusikom pletenych veci, hoci som sama neni taka zrucna, ze by som si ich sama ustrikovala. Zial a tak sa musim spoliehat len na obchody..:( V kazdom pripade pletene veci su uzasne a hlavne detske veci, tie su strasne mile :) Prajem este krasny zvysok soboty! Lucia Albertine * It is true that we know to knit we know to do nice thigs for us or our family and we don't have to go to the shops. During last time I became a big fun of knit things but I'm not skillful at knitting...:) So I must look for these nice things in shops...:(  Anyhow knit things are very beautiful and fashion for kids are very cute :) Have a nice rest of the day! Lucia Albertine   Images via Pinterest

Krasny a svetly nordicky byt / Wonderful and light nordic apartment

Tak  na tento byt je naozaj radost pozerat. Musim povedat, ze ako vzdy aj tentokrat dostala realitna kancelaria Alvhemmakleri skvostny byt na predaj a podla mna bude aj v rekordnom case rychlo predany. :) Styl je krasny a elegantny a co je fajn, ze tu mozeme najst neskutocne vela krasnych inspiracii. V prvom rade je tu skvely polickovy system v obyvacej izbe, ten je naozaj neskutocny, no a samozrejme aj nadherny koberec od IKEA. Kuchyna je v uzasnom farebnom zladeni, modra priam vyraza dych a cierna kuchyna uputa pozornost. Musi sa tu dobre varit. :) Taktiez nesmieme zabudnut na krasnu chodbu, podlahy a hlavne na detsku izbu, taku by som si vedela predstavit pre mojich 2 chlapcov...:) * This apartment is really treasure in interior design. I have to say that the Real Estate Agency Alvhemmakleri gained wonderful gem for sale and I guess it will be sold very quickly. :) The style is nice and elegant and what is nice we can find here a lot of inspirations.  In ...

IKEA PS 2014 dekoracne vazy / IKEA PS 2014 decorative vases

Ako sa uz udomacnil u mna doma z tejto kolekcie stolik s osvetlenim, uz som si nasla dalsiu uzasnu vec, ktora by sa mohla ocitnut u mna doma. Jednoznacne tato sada troch vaz vyzera viac ako skvelo, zaujimavo a hlavne mam take skryte tusenie, ze by mohla priniest aj novy a sviezi vietor do mojej domacnosti. V kazdom pripade urcite neprinesu nudu...moznost dostat ich by som mala, v IKEA Slovensko ich  totiz maju :) * When the table with a light from the collection of IKEA PS 2014 is in my home, decorative vases which is from PS 2014 too impressed my mind. These vases look more than great, interesting and especially I think this treasure can bring new and fresh air into my home :). In any case this decorative set won't be the way it is possible to buy it because this set is available in slovak IKEA :) Images via Skona hem, IKEA