Tato firma GLG sa nachadza v New Yorku a ma za sebou renovaciu a zmenu svojho interieru. Tuto krasnu zmenu mal na starosti architekt Clive Wilkonson a myslim, ze je to viac ako vydarene, uz len preto, ze pouzil krasne materialy, produkty, mojou srdcovkou su lampy od Toma Dixona. Tazko povedat, ktora miestnost je moja oblubena uz len preto, ze si architekti dali zalezat na kazdej jednej, ci uz je to recepcia alebo kancelarie. Dobrym napadom su aj meeting kuty v kancelariach alebo aj meeting room v kaviarni :) Musim povedat, ze priestory vyzeraju skvelo :) * This firm GLG is located in New York and the renovation of their spaces was fabulous. The architect Clive Wilkinson did very nice job because he used very nice materials, products...I love the lamps of Tom Dixon... I have to say that architect did nice each room from reception through offices. I love meeting corners in the offices and meeting room in the cafe. Now, these interiors look really great. :)