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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 22, 2014

Dalsie inspiracie pre adventne vence / Another ìnspirations for advent wreaths

Kazda jedna inspiracia na adventny veniec je vzdy dobra a musim povedat, ze tieto sa viac ako vydarili. Su krasne, skandinavske, jednoducho pekne a hlavne vianocne :) * Every inspiration of advent wreath is very needful and nice. I have to say that these ones are really beautiful, scandinavian and especially christmas :) Images via Femina

Prijemna atmosfera svedskeho bytu / Pleasant atmosphere of swedish apartment

Je to naozaj neskutocne krasny svedsky byt a realitna kancelaria Erik Olsson ziskala tento klenot do svojej ponuky na predaj. Predpokladam, ze bude predany v rekordnom case. Patri sice ku tym mensim, ale o tom zaujimavejsim a krajsim. Je fakt, ze ked clovek vstupi do haly, chce vidiet viac a viac. Zaujimava je kazda jedna miestnost od kuchyne, cez obyvacku az po spalnu a samozrejme, ze mna ulahodila biela drevena podlaha :) dreveny jedalensky stol s Eames stolickami, lampy a Hay vesiak v spalni :) * This is really unbelievable nice swedish apartment and Real Estate Agancy Erik Olssom has this treasure in the offer of sale. I think this flat will be sold really quickly. It is smaller flat but more interesting and nicer. It is true that everyone who comes in the hallway wants to see more and more... Each room is interesting and nice, from the hallway through the kitchen and the bedroom...I love white wooden floor, wooden dining table with Eames chairs, lamps and HAY hanger

Krasny design firmy / Nice design of the firm

Tato firma GLG sa nachadza v New Yorku a ma za sebou renovaciu a zmenu svojho interieru. Tuto krasnu zmenu mal na starosti architekt Clive Wilkonson a myslim, ze je to viac ako vydarene, uz len preto, ze pouzil krasne materialy, produkty, mojou srdcovkou su lampy od Toma Dixona. Tazko povedat, ktora miestnost je moja oblubena uz len preto, ze si architekti dali zalezat na kazdej jednej, ci uz je to recepcia alebo kancelarie. Dobrym napadom su aj meeting kuty v kancelariach alebo aj meeting room v kaviarni :) Musim povedat, ze priestory vyzeraju skvelo :) * This firm GLG is located in New York and the renovation of their spaces was fabulous. The architect Clive Wilkinson did very nice job because he used very nice materials, products...I love the lamps of Tom Dixon... I have to say that architect did nice each room from reception through offices. I love meeting corners in the offices and meeting room in the cafe. Now, these interiors look really great. :)