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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu januára 31, 2015

Nasa krasna predsien / Our nice hallway

...ako sa hovori, chodba je obraz toho, co sa caka vnutri v interieri...v kazdom pripade ma navodit atmosferu a napovedat v akom style sa budu niest ostatne izby v byte alebo v dome... ...chodba bola dost dlho podcenovana, ale mame ju brat tak, ze je spojivom medzi exterierom a interierom, a mame sa tam citit rovnako dobre ako v akejkolvek izbe... co sa tyka zariadenia, vyuzime priestor, co nam hala ponuka, triezvo a rozvazne.... s urcitostou nezabudnite vstupny priestor dobre osvetlit, ci uz centralnym, ale aj nastennym osvetlenim, originalitu mozete vniest zaujimavym vesiakom, no a svoje miesto by tam mal mat aj botnik a miesto na sedenie.... niekolko krasnych inspiracii najdete aj pod textom...:) * ...the hallway can be the mirror what we can see in the any case, the hallways tell to visitors about the atmosphere and the style in other rooms of the house or apartment.... this room connects interior with exterior and we have to feel there nice......

Svedsky byt s uzasnou atmosferou / Swedish flat with amazing atmosphere dnes ma zo skandinavskej oblasti zaujal tento mensi byt, ale o to je zaujimavejsi :) ma neskutocne vela dobrych napadov a kazda jedna izba je viac ako prijemna.... na mna zaposobil kvalitnou podlahou, super postermi, materialmi, policovym systemom, dekoraciami a farbami... je naozaj na co sa pozerat a aj inspirovat :) * ...I have chosen for today this nice swedish apartment, is smaller but more interesting...:) the interior has a lot of nice ideas and each room is full of great energy and atmosphere... I love the floor with high quality, nice posters ( especially above the sofa ), the decorations, shelving system, materials and is really lovely apartment and nice for your inspirations... Images via Alvhemmakleri

Berlin's studio

...tak na toto mozem povedat jedine...WOW :) tato krasna, nizka budova sa nachadza v Berline a stoji vdaka Anja Thede Architektur und Kommunikation im Raum... p.architektka v tomto studiu aj byva a pracuje...vsak nie je nic lepsie ako vidiet jej pracu na vlastne oci...ale podme na interier... samozrejme hned na prvy pohlad uputa sofa z preglejky, je vazne osobitym kralovstvom, kde sa mozete aj zavriet a nik Vas nebude vyrusovat, skvely napad ... toto studio je jeden velky priestor, ktory je skvelo rozdeleny na zony, skvele su vybrane materialy a aj farby, takze mna toto studio uplne potesilo:) * ...after watching the images below I can say only WOW :) this nice and low building is located in Berlin and the architect is Anja Thede Architektur und Kommunikation im Raum.... architect Anja lives and works here is great idea because her clients can see her work immediatelly...but let's go to see more from the interior :) at first my attention was grabbed by...