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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 31, 2014

Inspiracie na spalne od IKEA / Inspirations for bedroom of IKEA

Spalne patria ku izbam, kde sa da vdaka dobrej fantazii pekne popracovat na designe. Samozrejme urcite obmedzenia su aj tu, ako napriklad velkost izby, velkost okien.... Ak prave zariadujete spalnu a potrebujete niekolko inspiracii, tak IKEA Vam niekolko aj ponuka....:) Prajem krasny vikend! Lucia Albertine * The bedrooms are the rooms where we can arrange design nicely thanks to our fantasy. Of course, take care if the bedroom is small or big, if the windows are small or bigger.... If you need some help for your bedroom, IKEA offer some nice inspirations....:) Have a nice weekend! Lucia Albertine Images via Skonahem

Inspirations for home office

Inspiracii nikdy nie je dost a tentokrat ponukam inspiraciu na home office. A ak uz mate svoj vlastny, vytvoreny, nevadi....vzdy si ho mozete este viac vysperkovat...:) * It is great that we can find a lot of inspirations for each room on internet and today's post is about the inspirations of home office. If you have your home office already in your home, never mind :) can be inspired for some nice decorations...:) Inmages via Boligpluss

Dom v spojeni s prirodou / The house in connection with nature

Dnesny post je o uzasnom skandinavskom dome, ktory je zasadeny do uzasnej prirody. Je naozaj fascinujuci....exterier domu je uzasny v prepojeni s uchvatnym interierom... samotny priestor domu je nadherne vyuzity, nabytok je krasny,  dom so svetlom problemy nema vdaka velkym oknam. Krasne su samotne materialy, ktore mozeme pozorovat po celom dome, na mna velmi zaposobila kupelna, obyvacia izba s kuchynou a schodiste na poschodie... * Today's post is about amazing scandinavian house which is in perfect nature. It is really fascinating space.....the exterior is amazing and in connection with the interior... the space of the house is used very nicely, the house has not the problems with the light thanks to big windows. I like the materials which are used in whole house, I love especially the bathroom, the living room and the staircase .... Images via Sothebys

Utulnost dreveneho interieru /Cozy wooden interior

Starobyle portugalske mestecko juzne od Lisabonu Palmela je domov pre tento velmi zaujimavy dom. Architekti z firmy Paratelier Leonardo Paiela a Monica Ravazzolo dbali rovnako ako na interier, tak aj na exterier domu, aby nijako nenarusili liniu susedskych domov.  V tomto dome pouzili borovicove drevo, bolo to nieco nove a specialne a architektom a designerom sa podaril  '' husarsky kusok '', cely dom posobi kompaktne, ucelene, drevo posobi v harmonii s celym interierom a aj to naozaj velka krasa...:) * An ancient town south of Lisbon Palmela  is home of this very interesting house. Architects of firm Paratelier Leonardo Paiela and Monica Ravazzalo paid attention for interior and exterior too because they didn't want to break the line of neighbourhood house s.  Pine wood is used in whole house, this wood is something specific for interior and looks so nice.... The designers created one lovely and closed interior which acts with the...