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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu marca 13, 2014

..dotyk jari u mna doma /...touch of spring in my home

Na vcerajsej prechadzke s detmi som si jednoducho musela odtrhnut tieto konariky. Boli krasne a chcela som mat aj doma pocit, ze konecne jar prichadza. Mam rada, ked je u nas doma kusok prirody.... Vasa Lucia Albertine * I took these lovely flowering twigs during yesterday´s walking with my children. I needed something from the nature in my home because I love the piece of nature in my apartment. I need to fell that the spring is coming... Your Lucia Albertine

...nieco z danskeho interieroveho designu /...something from danish interior design

Na dnes som vybrala trosku danskeho designu a teda musim povedat, ze je to jednoducho slast pre oci. V tomto dome sa nachadza naozaj vsetko, co mam rada ako velke sklenne okna, drevene tramy, nabytok od Muuto, industrialne lampy....Ja by som si vedela predstavit, ze tu byvame s rodinkou.... A vam sa paci dansky interierovy design a styling? Krasny den! Vasa Lucia Albertine * For today I have chosen nice danish interior design and nice home and I can say, it is so stunning. I love absolutely all in this home, I like big glass doors, wooden beams, furniture by Muuto and industrial lamps.... I know to imagine that I live there with my family.... And you? Do you love danish interior design and styling, too? Have a lovely and sunny day! Your Lucia Albertine Images via BoligLiv Designer : Maria von Lotzbeck Photo by Jakob Kirk

Vystava nabytku, designovych kuskov a architektury / Exhibition of Furniture, design pieces and architecture

Nezabudli ste tento rok na vystavu nabytku, designovych kuskov a architekruty tento rok? 11.3 - 16.3. v Nitre, oplati sa ist pozriet... * If you miss the Exhibition of Furnitere, design pieces and architecture, here is reminder, 11.3 - 16.3 in Nitra, Slovakia.... Images via Google