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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júna 2, 2015

Sviezi skandinavsky interier / Fresh scandinavian interior

...tento norsky dom patri ku tym zaujimavejsim a na kazdom cm2 nas presviedca, ze skandinavsky interier a interierovy design patria ku tym top na svete... a je tomu naozaj tak... ...tento dom ma neskutocne vela dobrych myslienok, rieseni, vyuziva svetlo, farby ako pastelove, nabytok je uzasny, ako aj geometricke tvary a mne sa neskutocne paci osvetlenie nad jedalenskym stolom, to je taka jedinecna lahodka v tomto dome.... * this norwegien interior is absolutely lovely and interesting, it is the proof that scandinavian interior and interior design are the best around the is true :) ...this house has a lot of great ideas, solutions, use the light, colors I mean pastels colors, the furniture is stunning, geometric shapes are great and one thing is perfect for me in this is the lighting over the is really wonderful.... Images via boligpluss

Perfect pastels colors in scandinavian interiors

....ako vidime, skandinavsky interier sa neboji farieb a teda ani farebnych dekoracii....Normann Copenhagen a jeho designeri siahli po pastelovych farbach a Cap Table Lamp je nadhernou ozdobou v interieroch....vyzeraju krasne to jednoducho skvost, co myslite? * ...we can see that scandinavian interior is open for colors and color's decorations...Normann Copenhagen and his designers showed that the colors are nice way to have fresh interiors...the Cap Table Lamp is perfect decoration, it looks fresh...what do you think? Images via Normann Copenhagen