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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 5, 2014

Mile outfity na kazdy den / Cute outfits for every day

...tieto inspiracie su naozaj viac ako skvele, preco vypadat skvelo len na urcitu prilezitost? Tieto outfity su urcene na kazdy den do mesta, s priatelmi na kavu alebo na nakupy.... :) Prajem este krasny piatok a aj cely vikend! Lucia Albertine * ...these inspirations are absolutely great...Why not to be perfect every day? These outfits are for everyday occasions like going out with friends for a coffee or to the cinema...:) Have a nice rest of the day and lovely weekend too! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Ocarujuci svedsky byt s prijemnou atmosferou / Magical swedish apartment with pleasant atmosphere

A mame tu zas jeden uzasny svedsky byt z ponuky na predaj realitnej kancelarie Alvhemmakleri. Je to priestranny byt, ktory si musi ziskat asi kazdeho.  Mna najviac oslovila kuchyna, ktora vyzera naozaj velmi prijemne a disponuje s uzasnym kozubom, aky sa nachadza len v starych budovach. Ale vyzera skvelo!:) Samozrejme neda sa nevsimnut aj ostatne krasne izby, akou je napriklad aj spalna. Tapeta zaujme hned na prvy pohlad a velmi sa tam hodi.  Mojou srdcovou zalezitostou tohto bytu je prijemny styling vo vsetkych izbach, uzasne vysoke dvere, izby s vysokym stropom a dva balkony, ktore najdeme v spalni a v kuchyni. Pre kazdy byt je to len vyhoda! * And we have again here one lovely swedish apartment which is from the offer of Real Estate Agency Alvhemmakleri.  I like the kitchen especially because it is very pleasant space with amazing fireplace, This type of fireplaces we can find in older buildings. But it looks great! Of course we can not forget on ot...

Premena kuchyne / Change of the kitchen

Dobre rano! Ak niekto planuje zmenit svoju vlastnu kuchynu, nie je nad tento super tip.  Vysledna kuchyna je viac ako zaujimava, je tu zvoleny kvalitny material a samozrejme tam nesmie chybat cierna, ktora tam dodava punc elegancie.... Prajem krasny piatok! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! If someone has plan to change own kitchen this tip is absolutely perfect. The new kitchen is nice and interesting, we can see here amazing material with high quality and of course black color can not miss here. This nice color gives elegancy to whole kitchen... Have a nice Friday! Lucia Albertine Images via Femina