Na dnes som vybrala pre mna naozaj neskutocny dansky dom. Milujem jeho sviezost a lahkost a samozrejme interier :) Atmosfera tohto domu je uzasna, biela farba dodava energiu a optimizmus. Ja osobne si velmi vsimam podlahu a paci sa mi vo vsetkych izbach. Co ocenujem je pouzitie nabytku z dreva a nadych vintage. Krasny dom, len skoda, ze neponukli fotografie aj z poschodia, urcite je to tam pekne....:) Prajem krasny utorok! Lucia Albertine * I have chosen nice unbelievable danish house for today. I love the freshness and lightness and of coures the interior. :) The atmosphere of this house is amazing, white color gives us the energy and optimism. I notice the floor in each house or apartment and the floor of this house is lovely in each room. I adore the wooden furniture and vintage esprit. It is really stunning house but I am sad that I can not to watch the images from the floor. I believe there is lovely space too. :) Have a lovely Tuesday! Lucia Albertine ...