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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu decembra 4, 2014

Black and white Christmas

Ak ma clovek rad ciernu a bielu farbu v interieri, dokaze to preniest aj do dekoracii Vianoc. A tieto su rozhodne podla mojho vkusu, su krasne, co poviete? * If you like black and white color in the interior you like these colors also in christmas decorations. I like these decorations below, all are fabulous...what do you think? Images via Femina

Neskutocny dansky dom / Unbelievable danish house

Dnes pokracujem v danskom style a jednoducho musim uverejnit tento carony dom. Ma viac ako 100 rokov, je po rekonstrukcii, ale tu svoju zaujimavu atmosferu si zachoval aj po nej. Danske interiery sa mi velmi pacia a zvlast pocas Vianoc. Vianocne dekoracie su krasne a takisto aj biela drevena podlaha, kuchyna a cely nabytok. Paci sa aj Vam takyto styl? Pekny den! Lucia Albertine * I continue with danish style and interior design and I have to post this lovely house. This house has over 100 years and is after reconstruction but we can find here still stunning atmosphere. Danish interiors are fantastic and especially during Christmas time. X-mas decorations are nice, white wooden floor, the kitchen and all furniture too. Do you like this style? Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Bobedre

Minimalist danish design

Som velkym fanusikom danskeho designu a velmi mu fandim, pretoze je uzasny a hlavne minimalisticky. Jednym z tych vydarenych  produktov je od danskej designerky Maji Bogh Vindbjerg.  Tato lavicka splna vsetky predpoklady minimalistickeho produktu a hlavne sa mi paci jeho vsestrannost. Mozeme tu najst super napad na odkladanie dazdnikov, ci klucov alebo crepnikovych kvetov.  Je to naozaj velmi vydareny designersky kusok... * I am big fan of danish design, I love all the products because I love their sense of minimalism. And one of lovely minimalist danish product is this fabulous simple and minimalist bench from danish designer Maja Bogh Vindbjerg. I love this bench because is absolutely versatile. We can find here the space for umbrellas, keys or potted plants.  It is very nice design's product... Images via Nur design