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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 9, 2014

Uchvatne puzdrove saty / Wonderful pencil dress

...tieto saty su jednoducho skvele, kto ma vycibreny vkus a rad eleganciu, tak im podla  mna nevie odolat..:) Prajem Vam este krasny zvysok dna! Lucia Albertine * ...these dress are fantastic and these nice inspirations are for everyone who loves elegance and simplicity..:) Have a nice rest of the day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Uzasny zahradny domcek / Amazing garden house

Zdravim! No a zase tu mame nieco zaujimave z ponuky na predaj od Fantastic Frank. Musim povedat, ze tato ponuka je viac nez zaujimava. Uz len polozenie tohto domceka je uzasne a napoveda, ze od interieru mozeme vela ocakavat. A tak aj je. Nabytok do interieru bol vyberany s velkym dovtipom a preciznostou, mozeme najst skvele napady v celom interieri a hlavne mna osobne nesklamala krasna, drevena podlaha.... * Hello! And we have again nice swedish apartment which is from Fantastic Frank. I have to say this flat is more than interesting... The place of the flat gives us the opinion that the interior will be nice. And it is true because the interior and the exterior are beatiful. The furniture was chosen with wits and precise. We can find here a lot of great ideas and I love love love wonderful white wooden floor... Images via Fantastic Frank

Super tip ako zlozit tricko co najrychlejsie / Super tip how to fold t-shirt as fast as possible

Dobre rano! Je jasne, ze kazdy ma rad poriadok doma, v skriniach a este ked sa ten poriadok dosiahne, co najrychlejsie, tak to je to prave - orechove :) Dnes prinasam tip na rychle skladanie tricka, je to jeden z tych rychlejsich sposobov skladania, rozhodne usetri cas, ak mate na praci este nieco ine...:) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine   * Good morning! Everyone loves when the home is clean and everything is OK.  Today I would like to show you one nice tip how you can fold T-shirt as fast as possible...:) definitely save your time if you have to do something else :) Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine   Images via