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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu marca 27, 2014

Maly ale pohodlny priestor / Small but comfortable space

Je to sice maly byt ( 24 stvorcovych metrov ), ale je tam vsetko po ruke a vyzera to veeeeelmi pohodlne:) Vasa Lucia Albertine * It is so small ( 24 square metres ) but very comfortable flat, What do you think? Your Lucia Albertine

Krasny dansky priestor s farbami / Lovely danish space with colors

Ahojte! Ospravedlnujem sa, ze davam post az tak neskoro, ale beham s horuckou po lekaroch. Dufam, ze vy ste zdravi! Tento dansky priestor je uzasny, je priestranny a ciernobiely doplneny farebnym nabytkom, takze nebojte sa farieb, vyzera to super! Vasa Lucia Albertine * Hello! I am sorry to post later but I was in a doctor with a hight fever. I hope you are OK. This danish space is amazing, large and black and white with color furniture. So don´t worry to use colors, it looks so perfect ! Your Lucia Albertine! Images via Femina