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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu augusta 10, 2015

Comfortable and fantastic nordic house

Images via Boligmagasinet Photos by Christina Kayser Onsgaard ...musim uznat, ze tento interier rozhodne zaujime cloveka na prvy pohlad a nie je sa ani comu cudovat... ...dom posobi fantasticky, priestranne .... architekt nechal za sebou neskutocne krasnu pracu, kedze v dome vidime miesta, ktore usetria priestor...jednoznacne originalne je miesto pre home office...napady su skvele, radost pozerat uz od kuchyne, kde su skvele vybrane farby, cez jedalensky kut, spalnu a obyvaciu izbu... ...samozrejme drevo je vdacny material a nechava naozaj carovny dojem v celom dome... * ...I have to say with pleasure that this house grabb the attention of each visitor and fan of nordic interiors and style...and I understand why... the house looks amazing ....the place for home office is really original, the ideas are great...I love the is stunning place with nice colors via dining corner, the bedroom to living room with the bathroom... yes of course,.....the timber i...

Fantastic bar in Barcelona

Images via Interior Design Photos by Jose Hevia ....ano...tak toto miesto by som vyhladavala snad kazdy den...mile, utulne a stylove :) ...tento bar sa nachadza v Barcelone v znamej stvrti a preto je aj toto miesto dost vyhladavane... fajn si zajst na salat z cerstvej zeleniny, "pokecat "si v stylovom a prijemnom prostredi a este sa stretnut aj s prijemnymi ludmi.... sa tyka interieru, posobi viac ako prijemne, utulne a sviezo....preglejka je velmi dobrou volbou, ta nic nepokazi, ba prave naopak :) a zlta farba nabytku spolu s cool osvetlenim posobi uchvatne... to viac ako nadherne miesto...:) * ...oh yes...I love this place and I can say ....I could sit there all the is cute, cozy and stylish...:) ...this bar is located in Barcelona in famous and favourite area of the city... ...I think it is great to meet friends and spend the time together in the bars or restaurants, eat fresh vegetable salad....and this bar is great...