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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu apríla 16, 2014

Nadherny dom v Melbourne / Beautiful house in Melbourne

Dnes by som Vam chcela ukazat jeden uzasny dom v Melbourne.  Je krasne priestranny a ten priestor je dobre vyuzity. Je tu uzasna drevena podlaha, krasna kuchyna s barovymi stolickami, no a nesmiem zabudnut spomenut aj obyvaciu izbu, je tu pouzity tmavy nabytok, ale dom vobec neposobi tmavo, takze designeri.....klobuk dolu :) Vasa Lucia Albertine * I would like to show you one beautiful house in Melbourne. The space of the house is nice, I love the wooden floor, wonderful kitchen with the stools and I can not forget stunning living room. Dark furniture is used in this house but the house doesn´t look dark so the designers....excellent work...:) Your Lucia Albertine Images via Est magazine

Moje velkonocne dekoracie / My decorations for Easter

Velka Noc je uz za dverami a priprava na tento sviatok neobisla ani nas. Nie je toho sice vela, ale len co som mala trocha volneho casu popri detoch. Nesmie teda u mna chybat ani moja oblubena cietno - biela kombinacia.....  A vy uz mate dekoracie pripravene na Velku Noc? Prajem krasnu aj ked zamracenu stredu! Vasa Lucia Albertine * Easter is coming and it is time to prepare our houses for it. So I made some decorations when I had a free time and my children slept. I could not forget my favourite black and white combination.... And you? Have you got some nice decorations at homes for Easter? Have a nice Wednesday! Your Lucia Albertine