....dnes by som Vam chcela ukazat jeden velmi zaujimavy byt, je sice pomensi, ale o to sa mi zda krajsi :) je elegantny a stylovy, mna pobavil od zaciatku az do konca... Uzasny je policovy system pri jedalenskom stole, rozne druhy osvetlenia, kufre ako dekoracie, vesiaky na chodbe, perfektny je napad vyuzitia tenisovych rakiet, tie sluzia ako zrkadla....tieto napady fakt milujem :) * ...I would like to show you one really nice and interesting apartment which is situated in Stockholm. This flat is elegant and stylish... I love shelf system next to dining table, different types of lights, suitcases as a decorations, hangers on the hallway, the idea of tennis rackets is perfect, these rackets are as a mirrors....I love all the ideas in this apartments...:) Images via Fastighetsbyran