.....aj dnesny post je dokazom toho, ze skandinavsky interier je tou spravnou inspiraciou na elegantne zariadenie nasho pribytku.... ....neskutocne na mna zaposobil priestor kuchyne, priestor je vzdusny, kuchynska linka je vhodne vybrana a samozrejme ocenit sa musi aj podlaha, ktorej cierno-biely motiv nikdy nesklame... .....samozrejme sa nesmie zabudnut ani na ostatne miestnosti a ich nabytok, je naozaj na co sa pozerat a hlavne kochat, co myslite? * ...also today´s post is proof of the real fact that scandinavian interior is the best inspiration which helps to us to arrange correctly our living space... ...I love so much kitchen´s area,,,the space is airy, the kitchen´s unit is chosen nicely and I adore black and white floor... ....we can not forget on another room of course.....the furniture is cool and perfect what do you think?... Imagtes via Bjurfors