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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu augusta 6, 2013

Incredible nice scandinavian apartment / Neskutočne pekný škandinávskybyt

It is incredible apartment. It is from web-site of Real estate agency I like that each room is quite large. The kitchen is so nice, light although the kitchen unit is dark. I love the entrance to the terrace from the kitchen. The bedroom is so beautiful room, I prefer brick wall too but maybe in the kitchen. But the bedroom with this brick wall looks industrial. It is a good idea to have big window between the bedroom and bathroom. I can see that husband is under the shower and I can countinue to sleep. :) Two last images are perfect. It is a good idea to spend time and nobody knows where I am. Cool! My dream is one big terrace like this one. But at the moment I have one balcony and place for the flowers, 2 chairs and small table.....maybe one day... :) I wish you lovely day! Tak toto je neskutočný byt. Je z webu realitnej kancelárie Páči sa mi, že každá izba je celkom veľká. Kuchyňa je nesmierne pekná, svetlá aj napriek tomu, že kuch...