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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu februára 10, 2015

Outfits for winter - spring

....a ta zima nie a nie odist, aj ked je pravda, ze dnes slniecko vidime cely den :) by sme si chceli aj veci v skrini povymienat a pokupovat nieco nove jar... ...kedze sa to uz blizi a treba na to mysliet, niekolko tipov som pre Vas pripravila ako sa elegantne rozlucit so zimov a stylovo privitat jar :) * ...the winter is still here...and we want to welcome the spring already... is neccessary to change the clothes in our wardrobes and buy something new ... ....the spring is coming and for it I have prepared some tips for you and I think the inspirations are nice and stylish...:) Images via Pinterest

Utulny svedsky byt / Cozy swedish apartment dnes sa mi podarilo vypatrat z realitnej kancelarie Bjurfors tento skvely byt, ktory je uzasny a zaujimavy aj svojim priestorovym usporiadanim... ...elegancia a styl su tu citit na kazdom kroku, mne srdiecko poskocilo pri krasnych kobercoch s geometrickymi tvarmi v spalni a v izbe :) pri uzasnych stolickach pri tmavsom jedalenskom stole a samozrejme o Eames stolickach ani nehovoriac... nemozeme zabudnut ani na krasne dekoracie s obrazmi a ta velka fotografia v obyvacej izbe, tak ta je '' bombova'' :) design je krasny, nezabudlo sa ani na patricne osvetlenie kazdej izby....jednoducho krasa a utulnost :) * ...for today I would like to show you one great swedish apartment from the offer of Real Estate Agency amazing and interesting with spatial arrangement... you can see the elegance and style absolutely everywhere and I am happy to see nice carpets with geometric shapes in the rooms :)...I adore dining corners with perfect chairs... ...

Elegant black and white design

...cierno - biela farebna kombinacia je nikdy nekonciaca elegancia, to sa jednoducho musi  uznat... caro toho vsetkeho je, ze interier vobec nie je smutny, ba prave naopak...posobi sviezo, zaujimavo a cool... ...a este jeden dolezity fakt sa musi uznat, ze niektore kusy nabytku vyzneju ovela lepsie v ciernej alebo v bielej farbe...:) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * and white combination is neverending elegance, this is fact and the magic of black and white interiors are that these interiors will never be sad because look fresh, interesting and cool... ...and one thing really important is many pieces of furniture look better only  in black and white colors...:) Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Home Designing