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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu augusta 18, 2015

Swedish apartment with high elegance

Images via Vaningen Villa ....styl a elegancia sa snubia v tomto krasnom priestore, naozaj radost pozerat na kazdu jednu miestnost, ktora je zariadena s citom .... ...priestor bytu je vyrieseny krasne, posobi minimalisticky, priestranne a hlavne sviezo... ...neskutocne ocenujem drevene dvere pri jedalenskom stole, su viac ako zaujimave a ja osobne mam rada taketo riesenia.... ...caka ma redesign mojho balkonu, takze zbieram inspiracie ako sa da a balkon z tohto bytu je celkom pekny, aj ked velkostou a priestrannostou sa ten moj balkon nemoze ani len zacat porovnavat :) * ...the style and elegance is absolutely visible in this nice swedish apartment, we can find it in each room ... ...the space of apartment is solved nicely, looks minimalist, spacious and especially fresh... ...I love so much wooden door near the dining room ....I adore this style... ...I would like to do reedisgn of my balcony and I am open for a lot of inspirations ....the inspiration from this flat is ...

Amazing interior of coffee shop in Dublin

 Images via Dezeen Design by VAV Architects ... po zhliadnuti fotiek z tohto coffee shopu v Dubline som bola viac ako unesena a to z viacerych dovodov... ....VAV Architects urobili svoju pracu velmi dobre a jednoznacne vedeli ako na to hlavne, co sa tyka materialov....ked sa pouzije drevo a ocel v interieri, tak to musi byt ocarujuce a je tomu aj v tomto pripade... ...industrialny look podla mna nikoho nenecha chladnym a urcite aj kava sa mina jedna radost...:) * ...when I saw the images from this coffee shop of Dublin I fallen in love and I had a lot of reasons for it.... ...VAV Architects created lovely interior of shop and they knew what is favourite between their clients....they chose the steel and wood and this combination "killed"me :).... ...the interior is magical and industrial look helps to sell the coffee very well...:)