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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu augusta 24, 2015

Unbelievable style of swedish apartment

Images via Alvhemmakleri ...tento svedsky byt jednoznacne patri ku tym, ktory sa predaju v priebehu niekolkych zaujimavy pre svoju eleganciu, styl a neskutocne krasne vyuzitie svetla... * ...this swedish apartment is one of great apartment which are sold during some hours....because is interesting for elegance, style and light... ...skandinavske kuchyne bez akychkolvek pochyb patria ku top, hlavne co sa tyka designu a celeho priestoroveho usporiadania...kuchyna z tohto bytu ma dostala cistymi liniami, kobercom s geometrickymi tvarmi, stylingom s  postermi, s obrazmi, ci s produktami od IKEA... * ...scandinavian kitchens are absolutely top between the kitchen from around the world especially for nice design and lovely spatial arrangement...and the kitchen from today's flat I adore for clean lines, the carpet with geometric shapes, styling with posters, pictures or products of IKEA... ...zboznujem taketo typy skandinavs...

Amazing restaurant Story in Finland

Images via Google ...krasne, zaujimave, stylove... ...tato restauracia sa da opisat v troch slovach, ale je fakt, ze na pozeranie je tu toho rozhodne viac... * ...nice, interesting and stylish... ...the space of this finnish restaurant is possible to describe in three words BUT you can watch here really more of interior's beauty... ...navstevnik sa tu musi citit len a len dobre, elegancia, pohodlie a domaca atmosfera je citit na kazdom cm2... * ...the visitor has to feel there nice because we can see elegance, comfort and domestic atmosphere on each centimer square... ...neskutocne milujem kreativne napady a ked niekde nieco take zbadam, tak hned po tom "chnapnem", tentokrat je to to lampa a ta rozhodne stoji za to, co poviete? Uz len tym, ze dodava celemu interieru ten spravny feeling :) * ...I love so much creative ideas and I am happy to see it more and more and the lamp from this interior is stunning and thank...