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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 11, 2014

Chic fall's outfits

Super, ze mame stastie na krasne jesenne pocasie a je babie leto ako vysite. Uz len zvolit ten spravny outfit a sup sup na jesenne, slnecne vychadzky, do parku, s priatelmi, do baru, ci kaviarne :) Dufam, ze outfity uvedene nizsie Vam posluzia ako dobre inspiracie :) Prajem krasny den!  Lucia Albertine * It is amazing that we have still lovely fall's weather, indian summer is great season :) So you choose nice outfit and you can go to the park with friends or families, to the shops, bars or coffee :) I hope the outfits below will be good inspirations for you! Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine   Images via Pinterest

Nordicky dom so sarmom / Nordic house with the charm

Myslim, ze sa vacsina zhodneme na tom, ze tento dom je absolutne chic. Domaca pani ma rada minimalizmus, viacere styly a kedze sa nevedela rozhodnut, ktory  bude v jej dome prevladat, tak urobila jemny mix stylov. Nic brutalne, vsetko v jednej linii, takze vysledok je velmi prijemny a nevtieravy, co myslite? * I think that this  house is very chic for everyone.  The housewife loves minimalism and many styles. She did not know to decide for one style of her house so she did one lovely mixture. The mixture of styles is nice and pleasant nothing brutal, what do you think about this house? Images via Boligpluss

Ferm Living Autumn / Winter 2014 Collection

Ako tak sledujem zozimieva sa nielen v kalendari, ale aj v roznych designerskych spolocnostiach. Nevyhla sa tomu ani danska Ferm Living a vysla von z katalogom jesen / zima 2014 a musim povedat, ze je velmi vydareny, kazdy si tam najde jednoducho zaujimavy, napadity, farebny a plny tvarov typickych pre Ferm Living :) Prajem krasny vikend! Lucia Albertine * When I follow the things around me, the winter is coming not only in the calendar but also in designer's companies. And danish company Ferm Living issued catalog Autumn / Winter 2014 and I have to say it is perfect, interesting, full of great ideas, nice colors and shapes characteristic for Ferm Living :) Have a nice weekend! Lucia Albertine