...tak tento byt jednoznacne nema chybu, posobi viac ako prijemne a je elegantny...:) ...priestorove usporiadanie bytu je skvele, tak isto ako aj vyuzitie svetla... pozornost samozrejme uputa luster v obyvacej miestnosti, ale nielen on, pretoze nabytok v kazdej izbe je vybrany naozaj velmi precizne :) urcite je zazitok pozerat na tento byt na fotografiach, ale este vacsi ho vidiet na vlastne oci :) * ... this flat is absolutely fantastic, the interior looks very nice and elegant...:) I love spatial arangment and the light in whole apartment... of course...my attention was grabbed by perfect chandelier in the living room but other furniture in other rooms is perfect too... really...it is big experience to watch these images but I believe is more experience to visit this flat :) Images via vision