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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu augusta 21, 2013

Favourite amazing design / Obľúbený úžasný design

When I saw these stunning products I felt in love. I would like to have it at time :)What do you think about them ? Do you like these amazing products too? images was taken from web-site, Keď som zbadala tieto ohromujúce produkty, hneď som si ich zamilovala. Chcela  by som ich veru mať doma....raz.:) Čo si o nich myslíte vy? Páčia sa aj Vám? obrázky sú z web stránky,   Tom Dixon Copper Shade  ( HVIIT )                                                                        Copenhague table Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec          ...

Sweet scandinavian apartment / Roztomilý škandinávsky byt

This sweet apartment is actually for sale through Real Estate Agency Innerstadsspecialisten, has 43 square metres and 2 rooms. The apartment is very beautiful, I have pleasant sensation from these nice photos. The hallway is small, we can go to the bathroom and to the kitchen from the hallway. In the kitchen is a lot of place for cooking, is nice and dining table is in the corner of hallway.I think the dining table could be near the terrace for better view. The living room is fantastic, has stunning design and colors. I love this room and the bedroom too. The bedroom is small but amazing. Here I would like to sleep. :) The terrace is perfect, large, place for seating and also for flowers. It is great. I love a lot of flowers in this apartment. Tento ro ztomilý byt je aktuálne na predaj cez maklérsku agentúru Innerstadsspecialiste, má 43 m2 a 2 izby. Byt je veľmi pekný, je fakt príjemné sa pozerať na tieto pekné fotky. ...