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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 27, 2014

Uzasne napady na adventny veniec / Amazing ideas for advent wreath

Je pravda, ze tento rok som nasla snad najviac napadov a inspiracii na adventne vence. Ale zaroven tento rok bol pre mna najtazsi na jeho tvorbu, lebo vzdy, ked som sa pre nejaky rozhodla alebo ma jednoducho napadol, tak som nemohla kupit, co som na vyrobu adventneho venca potrebovala. Tak som si povedala, ze sa predsa budem drzat mojho zlateho pravidla, ze v jednoduchosti je krasa a snad to nejako dam :) Dnesne inspiracie, ktore najdete pod textom nizsie su krasne a tiez jednoduche a vlastne preco nie....predsa sa moze pouzit to, co priroda a zahrada da :) * It is true that I have found this year a lot of fantastic inspirations for advent wreath. But this year was really complicated for creation of my wreath. When I decided for some nice wreath it was not possible to buy materials for that. So I said that I will stick to the rule is in simplicity and I hope I will create something nice... You will nice today's inspirations beloow...all ideas are simple .....

Napadity svedsky byt / Swedish apartment with a lot of ideas

Mam rada interiery, byty, do ktorych si clovek svojpomocne nieco dotvori, ci je to jednoduchy stolik, stolicka alebo cokolvek ine. Tento byt je z realitnej kancelarie Fastighetsbyran a fakt stoji za nahliadnutie. Na prvy pohlad uputal prijemnou farebnou skalou, no a potom interier a nabytok.  Jednoznacne ocenujem napad pouzitia paliet na postel a stolika. Pre mna je takisto zaujimava dekoracia rebrika a drevenych truhlic.... Je to naozaj velmi vkusny a stylovy svedsky byt :) * I love interiors where I can find something which was made in DIY projects f.e. simple table, chair or something else. This apartment is from Real Estate Agency Fastighetsbyran. This flat is very interesting with colors, then whole interior and furniture. I love the ideas of the pallets for bed and coffee table. Other nice decoration which I adore is the ladder and wooden chests... It is really perfect and stylish swedish flat :) Images vi...

Pick me stolicka / Pick me chair

Pick me stolicka ma vsetko, co potrebuju jej uzivatelia, aby boli spokojni. A to je praktickost, pohodlie a hlavne uzasny design. Je fakt, ze uputa na prvy pohlad a vyhodou je, ze si ju mozeme bez problemov preniest, kedze ma v prostriedku medzeru pre ruku. Uzasne farby davaju kazdej jednej stolicke jednoduchost a stylovost. Designerka Anna Karnov ma naozaj skvele napady a sikovne ruky a tato stolicka bola urcena pre dansky designersky dom Lucie Kaas. * Pick me chair is the product which has absolutely all for the clients. It is comfort, practicality and amazing design. It is true the chair is very interesting and what is can bring it with you without problems everywhere you need because the chair has the gap for hand. Each color is nice and fabulous and give to product elegance, style and simplicity. Designer Anna Karnov has a lot of ideas and she is very clever. This chair is designed for danish design house of Lucie Kaas. Images via Polit...