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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu februára 4, 2015

The interior of the ship

...v skandinavskych statoch je moznost vlastnit lod a je samozrejmostou, aby to tam vyzeralo pekne a chic... tato je v ponuke na predaj v realitnej kacelarii Erik Olsson a musim povedat, ze interier vyzera krasne, elegantne a hlavne utulne :) * scandinavian countries is possiblity to have own ship and of course the interior must to be nice and comfortable... this one is in offer of Real Estate Agency Eril Olsson and I love the interior which is stylish, elegant and cozy :) Images via Erik Olsson

Dom na strome / The house on the tree

....kazdy z nas bol dietatom a najlepsia bola hra vonku dlho do vecera :) musim povedat, ze tento dom na strome by sa nam vtedy velmi hodil... Nachadza sa v Taliansku, vo Florencii, sluzi ako dom pre hosti...napad je to fantasticky a aj ten vyhlad musi byt viac ako uzasny :) * ...everyone of us was a child and we went outside for our games and stayed there a long time...:) I have to say that this house on the tree could be perfect for us in our childhood... This house is located in Italy, in Florence....the idea is fantastic and the view has to be more than amazing :) Images via Interior Design Magazine Photos by Nathalie Krag