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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu decembra 16, 2014

IKEA svetlo STRÅLA / IKEA light STRÅLA som v minulych postoch spominala, ako ma kolekcia IKEA svetiel STRÅLA dostala, jednoducho su to velmi vydarene svetla a ked som od IKEA dostala tuto lampu ako darcek, bola som velmi ale velmi rada, takze velmi pekne dakujem :) Musim povedat, ze u nas ma miesto v dvoch miestnostiach, na toto vecerne fotenie v obyvacke mi ju starsi syn "laskavo " zapozical a nezabudol dodat, ze ju mam vratit :) * ...I wrote already I love this collection STRÅLA, it is simple, nice and cute collection. When I received this lamp from IKEA as a present I was really happy, thank you so much again :) I have to say that this lamp has place in two rooms, in the living room and kids room. My older son borrowed me it for these evening's images and he didn't forget to say that after taking the pictures I have to give the lamp back to him :) Images by Trendesso

Carovne tehly v skandinavskom interieri / Magical bricks in the scandinavian interior

Je fakt pravda, ze tieto tehly su uzasne a pomohli naozaj celemu interieru. Aj ked je to maly byt, zda sa velmi zaujimavy. Dobre su zvolene materialy ako farba podlahy, nabytok a samozrejme celkovy styl bytu.  Som celkom presvedcena, ze keby ma cakala prestavba bytu, tak urcite by som niekde pouzila tehly. No ale ako premysla, tak premyslam, moja kuchyna by sa nejakej tej zmene aj potesila :) * It is true tthe bricks are amazing and helped to whole interior. Nevertheless it its small apartment, it is the most interesting  I have ever seen. People chose nicely the materials, colorsof floor, furniture and the style of apartment. If I would restore my flat I definitely use the bricks... but I think that my kitchen needs the change...:) Images via Erik Olsson

Navod na uzasny stolik / Instruction for lovely table

....neskutocne dobry fakt, kto si vie dat rady a samozrejme ma na to aj cas, dokaze vykuzlit peknu vec sebe do interieru :) * ...this is unbelievable idea...I love it so much. That's right who has time and ideas, it is possible to do really nice things to the interiors...:) Images via