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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 1, 2014

Dolezity prvok v outfite / Important thing in the outfit

... kabelka je na doplnenie outfitu a rozhodne nesmie chybat...inspiracie, ktore su uvedene nizsie su naozaj skvele, co poviete? Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * ...bag is very important thing and can not missing in your outfit...the inspirations below are absolutely perfect ....what do you think? Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Okuzlujuci svedsky byt / Magical swedish apartment

Zdravim! A znova mame moznost nahliadnut do jedneho velmi pekneho svedskeho bytu s rozlohou 99 metrov stvorcovych. Svoje caro uz ma len v tom, ze sa nachadza v dome z 18 storocia, co nas utvrdzuje v tom, ze architektura domu a tym aj bytu je uchvatna :) A je tomu aj tak, hoci presiel niekolkymi rekonstrukciami, co je pochopitelne, ale stale ma svoj smrnc. Krasne je drevene schodiste, samozrejme aj styling bytu, veci od Pii Wallena, Ikea, HAY... * Hello! We have chance to see really beautiful swedish apartment which has 99 square metres. This flat is absolutely amazing, is located in the house from the 18 century and for this fact the architecture is stunning. :) Really it is true although this nice apartment was changed thanks to some reconstructions. Never mind...:) this space is nicier and nicier... I love the wooden staircase, nice styling, lovely things from Pia Wallen, Ikea, HAY.... Images via Stadshem

Uzasny stolik od Normann Copenhagen / Amazing trolley of Normann Copenhagen

Dobre rano! Nemohla som jednoducho nechat tento stolik / vozik nepovsimnuty. Je nadherny. Je z produkcie Normann Copenhagen a designerom je Simon Legald. Uzasne na nom je, ze ho mozete pouzivat aj ako stolik ( napriklad nocny ) alebo ako vozik :).... Je v ponuke dokonca v piatich farbach... Prajem krasny pondelok! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! I adore this fantastic table / trolley and I had to write the post about it. The product is amazing. It is from Normann Copenhagen and designer is Simon Legald. You can use it as a trolley or as a table ( f.e. bedside table ). :) And it is available in 5 colors... Have a nice Monday! Lucia Albertine Images via DesignFund