..na pohlad je to sice maly byt, ale za nahliadnutie rozhodne stoji, ma svoje caro a je absolutne chic... ...rozhodne si svojich fanusikov ziska svetlom vdaka uzasnym oknam, lampam, tramam... zaujimave je prizemie bytu, kde sa nachadza kuchyna s jedalenskym kutom, farba kuchynskej linky je dobre zvolena, ma styl a vonkoncom nie je nudna, tak ako aj cely byt.... * ...this duplex apartment is very interesting, magical, chic and elegant ... I think that everyone of us will love this interior for nice big windows, pendants, beams, furniture... the gound floor is absolutely amazing, I love black kitchen unit and cute dining corner with dining chairs and upstairs is cool and fantastic with nice balcony :) Images via Edward Partners