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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu marca 6, 2015

Zaujimavy svedsky mezonetovy byt / Interesting swedish duplex flat pohlad je to sice maly byt, ale za nahliadnutie rozhodne stoji, ma svoje caro a je absolutne chic... ...rozhodne si svojich fanusikov ziska svetlom vdaka uzasnym oknam, lampam, tramam... zaujimave je prizemie bytu, kde sa nachadza kuchyna s jedalenskym kutom, farba kuchynskej linky je dobre zvolena, ma styl a vonkoncom nie je nudna, tak ako aj cely byt.... * ...this duplex apartment is very interesting, magical, chic and elegant ... I think that everyone of us will love this interior for nice big windows, pendants, beams, furniture... the gound floor is absolutely amazing, I love black kitchen unit and cute dining corner with dining chairs and upstairs is cool and fantastic with nice balcony :) Images via Edward Partners

Interier pre pracu a aj domov designerky Patricie Urquiola / Interior for work and home of designer Patricia Urquiola

...designerka Patricia Urquiola sa rozhodla riesit priestory svojho studia tak, aby nemusela svoju rodinu vidavat tak neskoro vecer... preto sa rozhodla svoje studio premiestnit do dvoch dolnych poschodi rodinnej rezidencie a domov mat vlastne v tych hornych ... studio sa nachadza v Milane a priestory su velmi zaujimave, napadite a tvorive :) posledne dva z obrazkov su jej posledna kolekcia Love me Tender....uzasna sofa.... * when designer Patrica Urquiola decided to change the space for her studio she took nice and good decision... she decided for two lower floors of her family house and I have to say this interior, space are fabulous, creative and full of nice ideas.... studio is located in Milan .... last 2 photos are her last collection Love me Tender...the sofa is fantastic ....       Images via Interior Design