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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 22, 2014

H&M jesenna kolekcia / H&M fall's collection a mame tu jesen a H&M ma v predaji uz nejaky ten cas jesennu kolekciu, ktora je skvela :)  niektore veci som sem dala, co ma oslovili, je to take male navnadenie na dobre veci, co maju vo svojich obchodoch a pre jesenne outfity su ako stvorene...:) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * ...fall is here and H&M has really lovely fall's collection in their shops...  I have chosen nice things for your inspirations and I think these things are perfect for fall's outfits.... Have a nice day! Luca Albertine Images via H&M

Nadherny cierno - biely interier / Lovely black and white interior

Zdravim! Ak ste sa stali velkym fanusikom ciernej a bielej farby a chceli by ste ich preniest aj do svojho interieru, prinasam Vam jednu skvelu inspiraciu. Je to uzasny skandinavsky, elegantny dom, ktory je plny krasnych napadov, tak mozno si niektory prenesiete aj k sebe domov....:) * Hello! If you are big fan of black and white in the interior, this post is for you. I am bringing for you nice inspiration of black and white scandinavian interior. It is amazing, elegant house which is full of nice ideas so maybe you will be inspired by these lovely images....:) Images via Bolig magasinet

DIY projekt pre lampu do detskej izby / DIY project of lamp for kids room

Dobre rano! Prinasam Vam jeden super napad, ktorym by ste veru potesili svoje deti. Taka lampa do detskej izby by sa veru hodila.  Napad je to originalny, tak snad sa na to len dat.... Inspiraciu na lampu do detskej izby najdete v odkaze nizsie... Prajem krasny zaciatok pracovneho tyzdna! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! I want to show you one great idea how to create super lamp for kids room. It is needed to be creative for our kids and this DIY project is perfect and original and really it is nice to have this lamp in the kids room... The instruction for it you find below... Have a nice start for working week! Lucia Albertine