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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júna 3, 2014

Byt v geometrickych tvaroch / Apartment in geometric shapes

Ked som zbadala tento zaujimavy byt, vedela som, ze nesmie chybat na mojom blogu. Zapacil sa mi hned svojimi geometrickymi tvarmi, dekoraciami, bytovymi doplnkami a nabytkom. Co sa tyka toho nabytku, tak vedie jednoznacne jedalensky stol so stolickami, ten je viac ako uzasny :) Cely byt je velmi elegantny a vkusny, nic nie je prehnane, musi sa tu byvat velmi dobre :) Myslim, ze do buducna sa ani ja nebudem vyhybat geometrickym tvarom,  uz len preto, ze to vyzera tak pekne.... Krasny aj ked uprsany den prajem! Lucia Albertine * When I saw this apartment I wanted to post it on my blog immediately. I love it for the geometric shapes, decorations, home accessories and the furniture. The furniture is amazing, especially the dining table with chairs...:)it looks so stunning :) I think whole apartment is nice, cozy and comfortable...and the geometric shapes are interesting, look so beautiful and I will choose it to my apartment as well..:) Have a nice day! Lucia ...

Detaily domova / Details of home

Mam neskutocne rada detaily dekoracii,, lebo maju svoj pribeh ako vznikali a preco maju svoje miesto v byte.... Ako napriklad aj tieto..... Krasny den prajem! Lucia Albertine * I love so much details of home. Every decoration has own story, why is created and where is located in the apartment.... For example these wonderful decorations.... Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Trendesso