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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu januára 30, 2015

Amazing mirror HONEFOSS of IKEA

...uzasne, co sa da vytvorit zo zrkadla HONEFOSS z IKEA v akejkolvek izbe...pospajanim zrkadiel vznikne pekna dekoracia...vysledok je viac ako super... Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * is perfect what is possible to create with the mirror HONEFOSS from can connect more pieces and the result is stunning in any room... Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Skonahem

Sviezi a elegantny skandinavsky interier / Fresh and elegant scandinavian interior

...tento typ skandinavskeho interieru nebude snad nudit nikdy :) je to elegantny, priestranny byt, kde su dobre vybrane farby a aj priestorove usporiadanie je zaujimave... je vazne dobry od zaciatky az do konca a mna dostala ta neskutocna skandinavska elegancia a vynaliezavost :) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * ...this type of scandinavian interior is always fresh for me :) it is absolutely elegant, spacious apartment where we can find fantastic colors and spatial arrangement is interesting... I find each room nice and attractive because I adore scandinavian elegance and resourcefulness... Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Lundin

Nadherny a sviezi interier / Wonderful and fresh interior

...tak pri prezerani fotografii z tohto bytu,  ktory sa nachadza v Montreale, som ani len nedychala, firma Anne Sophie Goneau vytvarila priam uzasne dielo, design je viac ako fantasticky a tato kombinacia, ci uz materialov, ale aj farieb jednoducho spolu funguju vzdy :) je fakt, ze samotny priestor a svetlo same ponukaju na kreativitu, cely byt je jeden uzasny napad, to by som Vam tu zbytocne vymenovavala, co je tu nadherene, snad len za zmienku stoji dreveny obklad, tehly, cierna kuchynska linka, jedalenska cast a perfektna kniznica na oddelenie tak uzasneho priestoru, akym obyvacia cast je :) * ...I love this lovely apartment which is situated in Montreal....I watched these nice images again and again and again....the firm of Anne Sophie Goneau did perfect design work, the choice of designers was very good and nice, materials and colors are fantastic :) the space and light offer place for creativity and this flat is one wonderful idea... what I love in this interi...