I would like to show you one great Scandinavian apartment from the market of Alvhem Mäkleri &Interiör. I love this apartment from the balcony to the hall. Each room looks large and light. The living room is very comfortable, I like shelves system and coffee table. The bedroom looks fresh,the bedside tables, white cabinets and styling of leather bag are cool. And the kitchen is fabulous, the style is lovely, I love the kitchen unit, dining table, bench under the window. The kids room is so sweet, there is a good idea for kids sofa on the floor. :) And finally, the hall is nice, large with beautiful wallpaper. I adore these room with high ceiling and beautiful doors. Chcela b y som Vám ukázať jeden fantastický škandinávsky byt, ktorý je z trhu realitnej kancelárie Alvhem Mäkleri & Interiör. Byt sa mi p áči úplne celý, od balkónu až po chodbu. Každá jedna izba vyzerá rozsiahlo a svetlo. ...