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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 2, 2014

Outfits for students

....a mame tu prvy skolsky den, niekto sa tesi, iny zas nie, ale v kazdom pripade student chce vyzerat v skole dobre. Kedze nemame skolku uniformu ( skoda alebo nastastie ?) tak kazda inspiracia je dobra :) Co poviete na tieto? Krasny den! Lucia Albertine * we have first school's day ( Slovakia ) , someone is happy...someone is sad but everyone wants to be perfect and nice for every day in school. And we don't have school uniform so every inspiration is helpful :)  What do you think about that? Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Krasny nordicky dom s mnozstvom skvelych napadov / Lovely nordic house with a lot of great ideas

Zdravim! Chcela by som Vam ukazat jeden skvely norsky dom, ktory je priam bohaty na uzasne napady. Domaca pani sa naozaj nenudi a plne sa realizuje vo svojom dome. Fantasticke je vyuzite dreva, ktore vidime na podlahe, krasne su dvere, policky. Neskutocna je detska izba, kde sa deti mozu skvelo vysantit....a takto by som mohla pokracovat aj dalej, no myslim, ze ste zvedavi radsej na fotky z tohto domu, tak nech sa paci :) * Hello! I would like to show you one great house which is located in Norway. It is really fantastic house , is full of lovely ideas. I can say that house lady is good interior stylist :) The interior is very interesting, I love beautiful wooden things and furniture as a beams, doors, floor, shelves....Unbelievable is kids room....really :)this space is perfect for children. I think it is time to watch nice images from this house so here you are...:) Images via B...

Dobry napad pre uspornejsie miesto v skriniach / Good idea for saving place in the closet

Dobre rano! Mna osobne vzdy potesi nejaky dobry napad alebo trik do domacnosti. Nedavno som narazila na tento skvely napad, co sa tyka skladania osusiek a uterakov. Mozno mnohi z Vas to tak uz mnoho rokov robia, no ja som tento sposob nepoznala a velmi sa mi pacil, tak preco sa s nim nepodelit aj s Vami? Prajem krasny a uspesny den! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! I like a lot of helpful ideas or trips for homes.  Recently I have discovered this great idea for our wardrobes. Maybe you know it already but.... for me it is new and I love this style of folding towels. You can try it too...why not :) Have a nice and successful day! Lucia Albertine  Images via Skonahem