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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júla 14, 2014

Elegantne pasiky / Elegant stripes

Pasiky su uzasne, hoci je pravda, ze si ich nie kazdy moze dovolit, tak sa aspon pokochajme na tychto obrazkoch krasnych outfitov... * The stripes are amazing so we can watch these beautiful outfits with pleasure... Images via Pinterest

Prijemny a ocarujuci svedsky dom / Lovely and magical swedish house

Je to velmi prijemny dom, ktory sa nachadza vo velmi peknom, svedskom prostredi Skillinge. Ja v tomto dome ocenujem pouzitie tramov, zaujimave okna, pouzitie dreva a hlavne vytvorenie velmi krasnej atmosfery..... Co na tento dom poviete vy? Krasny den! Lucia Albertine *   It is very nice house which is located in beautiful swedish nature of Skillinge. I love absolutely all in the house especially the beams, interesting windows and lovely, comfortable atmosphere... What do you thing about this house? Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Fastighetsbyran

Vecna cierno biela / Eternal black and white

Dobre rano! A zase tu mame pondelok, vikend za nami, ako ste ho prezili? Na pekny zaciatok tyzdna Vam posielam par krasnych cierno - bielych inspiracii s mojim oblubenym stylingom topanok. Prajem krasny pondelok! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! Oh, Monday is here..again :) how was your weekend? I am bringing for your nice start of working week some beautiful inspirations for black and white styling of shoes.... Have a nice Monday! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest, Boligcious