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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júla 16, 2015

Wonderful small scandinavian apartment

...tento mensi skandinavsky byt ma uzasne a zaujimave priestorove usporiadanie ... ...jednoznacne zaujme aj svojou pokojnou a prijemnou atmosferou, ktoru ziskal vdaka neutralnym farbam.... ...fantasticky je kuchynsky kut s obyvacim priestorom...v tychto malych bytoch neustale obdivujem, ze ma vsetko svoje miesto, hlavu a patu a ani jedna izba nevyzera preplnena :) * ...this smaller scandinavian apartment has amazing and interesting spatial arangement... ...I love it for nice and calm atmosphere and perfect neutral colors... ...the kitchen corner is absolutely stunning... ...I adore small scandinavian apartments because every interior is solved nicely, everything has own place and interior design is fantastic.... Images via Notar

La Tequila South Restaurant

...tato restauracia sa nachadza v nakupnom stredisku v Mexiku a teda je aj dost vyhladavana a ani sa prvy pohlad je elegantna, stylova a ma v sebe velmi prijemny industrialny look :) ...redesign restauracie prebehol v roku 2013 vdaka firme Leon Orraca Architects a musim povedat, ze je velmi vydareny... ...fantasticky je vyber podlahy, ja geometricke tvary velmi oblubujem a do industrialneho stylu sa to aj hodi a za priam fenomenalny napad povazujem vyber dreveneho jednoducho krasa :) * ...this restaurant is located in shopping complex and is very favourite place there....I understand why :) ...on the first sight the restaurant is elegant, stylish and has lovely industrial look... ...redesign of this place was did in 2013 and firm Leon Orraca Architect created perfect interior... ...I love the choice of the floor with geometric shapes. This floor looks more than chic and fabulous...oh yes...wooden paravan is really stunning idea :) ...