Je to naozaj neskutocne pekny podkrovny byt, vyuziva krasny priestor, ktory nesie v sebe istu davku elegancie. Samozrejme drevene tramy dodaju celemu bytu smrnc. Takze obyvacia izba spolu s jedalnou musia dostat snad kazdeho :). Takisto sa mi velmi paci, ze sa tu nachadza drevo, nabytok z dreva, vela bytovych rastlin.....naozaj je to byt s carovnou atmosferou :) * It is unbelievable attic apartment which use lovely and elegant space. Of course it is elegant and interesting thanks to wooden beams. I think the living room and dining room are beautiful for everyone :) I love that there is a wood, wooden furniture, a lot of green plants...really it is flat with magical atmosphere :) Images via Bjurfors