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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júna 29, 2014

Plazovy look / Look for beaches

No konecne prisiel cas, kedy sa zacinaju uzivat krasne dva letne mesiace plnymi duskami. Dufam, ze bude priat aj pocasie a slniecko na nas nezanevrie a ked sa poniektori alebo vacsina rozhodla volit more, tak je jasne, ze tam my damy chceme vyzerat, co najlepsie. Ponukam Vam preto inspiracie na krasny look na plazi .... A ak zachvilku odchadzate na letnu dovolenku, tak Vam prajem stastnu cestu a hlavne si to uzite! Lucia Albertine * Finally, holiday was started and we have lovely,  long two summer months only for us :) I hope the weather will be nice and hot. I offer some nice summer inspirations for a look of beaches for someone who will need it.... Have a nice holiday! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Special day

Dnes je pre mna specialny den, oslavujem narodeniny a tak prajem vsetkym, co maju dnes, mali vcera a budu mat zajtra rovnako specialny den vsetko len to najlepsie ! Lucia Albertine * Today is special day for me....I have birthday and I would like to say Happy birthday to all who have this special day today, had special day yesterday and will have it tomorrow... Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Krasna nedela / Lovely Sunday

Nie je nic krajsie, ako spolustraveny den s celou rodinou a ak Vam bude dnes pocasie priat, tak ho mozete stravit napriklad aj pri opekacke... Ak budete mat vecer cas, napiste mi ako ste dnesnu nedelu prezili :) Prajem co najkrajsi den! Lucia Albertine * I think it is nice to be whole day with the family. If you will have nice weather today you can do some nice things together f.e. barbecue... If you will have time this evening you can write me today's program. :) Have a nice and sunny Sunday! Lucia Albertine Images via Femina