Mam rada, ked miestnosti nie su plne, prepchate a da sa v nich aj dychat. Minimalisticky styl mi preto plne vyhovuje, uz len preto, ze dava vyzniet peknej architekture skandinavskych domov a bytov. Tento byt je pre mna fantasticky svojou sviezostou, svetlom a farbami. Izby su krasne, pre mna zariadene akurat... Kuchyna je fantasticka, som velkym fanusikom cisel alebo pismen, ci uz na obrazoch alebo ako dekoracie napriklad na parapete alebo na pisacom stole :) A Vam sa paci minimalisticky styl alebo je to na Vas az prilis strohe? Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * I love the rooms in minimalist style. The rooms which are full of freshness, light and where we can admire the architecture of scandinavian houses and apartments. This apartment is fantastic, I love the light and colors. The room are designed nicely... The kitchen is nice, I am big fan of letters and numbers as a picture on the wall or as a decoration f.e. on the windowsill or on the desk... Do ...