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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu decembra 9, 2014

Domace Vianoce / Pleasant Christmas in our home

Milujem tuto vianocnu atmosferu a veru nevahala by som , keby mohla byt od rana do vecera kazdy den. Vyrabat vianocne dekoracie spolu s detmi je velka zabava a nic sa nevyrovna detskym ociam, ked zistia po ukonceni tvorby, aku senzaciu a pecenie nas este len caka :) * I love this christmas atmosphere and I want to have it all the time. From the morning to the evening every day...I love to create christmas decorations with children, it is very fun and I love the expression in their eyes when they discover what beauty they created.....we will bake the x-mas cakes at the end of the week...:) Images via Trendesso

Dokonale vianocne stolovanie / Perfect x-mas table settings

Urcite chcete mat dokonale vianocne stolovanie a date si zalezat aj na malickostiach a detailoch.Urcite neprehliadnite servitok a co vsetko sa da z neho vykuzlit vhodne na Vianoce najdete prave v dnesnom poste... * If you want to have perfect table settings, you don't forget some details. This is nice example how to create christmas tree from the napkin.... Informations via Skonahem

Maly svedsky byt v sedej atmosfere / Small swedish apartment in grey atmosphere

V poslednom case mi ucarovali svedske male byty. Uz len preto, ze ich architektura je viac ako zaujimava a potom este, ze su velmi sikovne usporiadane. Vynimkou nie je ani tento byt, ktory posobi uzasne. Prevlada v nom seda farba, ci uz na stenach alebo na doplnkoch. Vyzera to cool. Urcite celej atmosfere pomozu farebne stolicky v kuchyni... Je to krasny byt s elegantnym nadychom :) * In the last time I am fallen in love with small or smaller swedish apartments. I love it because their architecture is interesting and amazing and statial arrangement is fabulous.  I think this flat is one of nice and interesting small spaces. We can see here magical grey color everywhere...on the walls or grey accessories. It looks so cool. Whole atmosphere is wonderful thanks to color chairs in the kitchen... It is very nice apartment with elegant esprit :) Images via Ulrede

Fantasticky stohovatelny nabytok / Fantastic stackable furniture

Rianne Koens navrhla neskutocne krasny nabytok.Vsestranne pouzitelne stoliky a boxy sa daju naozaj pouzit vsade. Su z brezoveho dreva a su vytvorene ako nizke, tak aj vysoke skrinky, nocne stoliky alebo stolicky. Tento produkt je absolutne super :) * Rianne Koens designed really nice and versatile tables and boxes which you can use everywhere. These product is of birch wood, we can find here top and low cabinets, bedside tables and stools. This product is perfect, I love it! Images via Dezeen