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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu januára 19, 2018

Wonderful scandinavian elegance in the interior

...aj dnes prikladam na nas blog uchvatny svedsky interier, ktory je krasnym prikladom severskej elegancie.... ...obyvatelom tohto bytu sa podarilo vytvorit velmi pekny, sviezi a utulny domov, ktory moze byt inspiraciou aj pre nas... ...mne osobne zaimponoval mojimi oblubenymi farbami, postermi a hlavne geometrickymi a v ziadnom pripade sa dostatocne nenabaznym bezchybnym nordickym nabytkom, ci dekoraciami...radost pozerat... * ...also today I post very amazing and nice swedish interior which is perfect example of nordic elegance... ...people who live there..are able to create absolutely perfect atmosphere of cute home which is nice, fresh and full of cosiness and can be nice inspiration for us... ...what I love in this apartment...I can say that abslutely all...I found here my favourite colors, cool styling with posters and especially geometric shapes....and of course I can not forget on stunning pieces of nordic furniture or accessories...yes, it is absol...