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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu decembra 20, 2014

Nadherny norsky dom / Beautiful norwegien house

Dnes Vam chcem ukazat dalsi nadherny skvost  medzi nordickymi vianocnymi interiermi.  Na tento dom je naozaj radost pozerat, neskutocne dobre su zvolene detaily, nabytok ( moje srdcovky Eames rocking chair, Eames chair, deka od Pia Wallen, Tina K Home, postery.... ) samozrejme neskutocna je kuchyna, ta je absolutne uzasna.... * Today I would like to show you really one nice nordic christmas interior. It is treasure between nordic interiors. I love absolutely everything, nice details, furniture ( Eames rocking chair, Eames chairs, blanket of Pia Wallen, Tina K Home, posters...) and of course the kitchen ..I can not forget this lovely room, this kitchen is absolutely amazing.... Images via Boligpluss

Design of shops

Tu sa musi rozhodne nechat, ze kazdy jeden obchod alebo salon krasy ma zaujimavy vzhlad a design. Su naozaj jedinecne, svetle a neskutocne plne napadov, farieb, tvarov a nabytku.Urcite by bolo super vidiet tieto interiery na vlastne oci :) Prajem krasnu sobotu! Lucia Albertine * These shops have really wonderful design. Each of them is interesting, full of nice ideas, colors, nice spaces and furniture. I think it will be perfect to visit these wonderful spaces and see these lovely design :) Have a nice Saturday! Lucia Albertine Images via Interior Design Magazine