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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu februára 18, 2016

Elegant and cute swedish flat

Images via Stadshem ...tento byt je krasny a elegantny, jednoducho uzasny na byvanie.....verim, ze zaujme kazdeho, kto miluje ako skandinavsky styl, tak aj eleganciu a pohodlie... to interier, v ktorom najdeme viac krasnych kuskov skandinavskeho nabytku, dekoracii, ci interierovych doplnkov... ...v kazdej jednej miestnosti nase oko, ale aj dusu pohladi krasny interierovy styling, ktory vytvara uchvatnu atmosferu v kazdej jednej miestnosti, takze verim, ze je tu radost byvat... * ...this apartment is really nice and amazing for living...I believe that this space is lovely for everyone who loves scandinavian style and elegance, comfort.... ...we can find there a lot of nice pieces of scandinavian furniture, decorations and interior's accesorries... ...we can see nice interior styling in every room of the flat which creates great atmosphere and I believe it is pleasure to live here...