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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 17, 2014

Advent calendar

Mam velmi rada kreativitu pocas Vianoc a aj na vianocnych dekoraciach sa da pekne a vkusne "vyblaznit ". Kazdy rok si lamem hlavu ake adventne kalendare pre deti vymyslim, aby sa neopakovali, takze tieto inspiracie mi pridu vhod a verim, ze aj Vam :) * I love creativity during Christmas and preparation for this nice time. I believe that it is nice to create x-mas decorations when you have a lot of fantasy :) and inspirations too. I have problem every year before Christmas. I need to create advent caledars for my children and I need useful inspirations and ideas. I think that these ideas below are really nice also for you :) Images via Madbolig

DIY projects with natural materials

Mam rada DIY projekty, ked su napadite a nie zlozite :). Tentokrat Vam prinasam napady, ktore sa daju vyrobit z prirodnych materialov ako koza, vlna, drevo a kamen.  Uzasne su vsetky a veru myslim, ze budem musiet oprasit aj moj sijaci stroj :) * I love DIY projects so much when are not too complicated. This post is about very nice ideas and you can use natural materials as wood, stone, leather and wool. I believe that these ideas are amazing and I think I will restart my sewing machine :) Images via Boligpluss

Carovny, svedsky byt / Magical swedish apartment

Novy tyzden zaciname nadhernym bytom, ktory sa nachadza v ponuke realitnej kancelarie Stadshem. V tomto byte ma ako prve zaujala architekura a usporiadanie bytu. V tom sa urcite nezapru krasne vysoke stropy a v takychto podobnych bytoch sa mi takisto pacia aj vysoke dvere. Kazda jedna izba je uzasna, ich styl, podlaha a nabytok su fantasticke.Samozrejme pozornosti neunikne ani uzasna cierno - biela kupelna, cely byt posobi harmonicky a je fakt, ze nadherny... * We start new week with wonderful apartment which is in the offer of Real Estate Agency Stadshem. I love so much the architecture and disposition of the flat. Then we have to notice lovely ceilings and of course older, high doors. Each room is amazing, I like their style, floor and furniture. But I adore one room more than other, it is black and white bathroom, this room is gorgeus. Whole apartment is in one and nice harmony ..:) Image...

Diesel cage lamp

Tato lampa patri ku mojim najoblubenejsim, uz len preto, ze design ma fascinujuci. Inspiracia lampy pochadza od banikov, ktori pouzivali podobne svetla. Lampa je z fukaneho skla a vonkajsia "klietka"z ocele. Do kolekcie Diesel Cage lamp patria ako vysiaca, tak aj podlahova lampa a stolova. Vydavaju krasne a intenzivne svetlo a co je pekne, ked sa lampa zhasne, len potom svetlo, co zostane na ziarovke prechadza cez geometricke tvary mriezky a je to viditelne na stene :)..... * This lamp is my favorite because I love so much this design, is absolutely fantastic. This lamp is inspired by miners and workers which had similar lights. The lamps are from refined blown glass amd external cage is from steel.  We can find pendant lamp, floor and table lamp in this collection. The light from these lamps is fascinating and when the lamp is turned off, the colour of the glass is in block and the glossy surface reflects the geometric shapes of the cage:)... ...