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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu mája 12, 2014

Nordicky byt plny kreativity / Nordic apartment full of creativity

Ked som zbadala tento byt na blogu ( mimochodom super blog ), hned som si ho zamilovala a povedala som si, ze Vam ho musim ukazat. Majitelkou je sikovna fotografka, umelecka riaditelka a designerka Sara Medina Lind. Tento byt je uzasny, mne sa paci uplne vsetucko a je vynikajuci na inspiracie pre Vas :) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * When I saw this apartment on the blog ( super cool blog ) I wanted to show you this beauty. It is apartment in Stockholm of Sara Medina Lind, art director, designer and photographer. I love this space and all things there and I think there are a lot of beautiful inspirations for you :) Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via


Dobre rano! A zas je tu pondelok, nuz nevadi, aj ten musi byt, tak Vam prajem, aby presiel rychlo a aby ste uspesne zacali pracovny tyzden.:) Na dnes by som Vam chcela predstavit jednu super firmu matky a dcery Marion Wold a Annelot Lems. Moet&Griet ma super vyrobky UASHMAMA, su ich distributorom pre BENELUX a su to vyrobky papiera, materialu podobneho kozi a umyvatelnej textilie... Vybrala som len par a ak Vas viac zaujali, navstivte ich stranku Prajem krasny pondelok! Vasa Lucia Albertine * Good morning! Monday is again here...never mind :) I wish you a successful start to new working week! I would like to present you one nice company of daughter and mother Marion Wold and Annelot Lems. Moet&Griet has lovely products of UASHMAMA, they are exclusive distributor for BENELUX. These products made of paper, similar as leather and washable fabric. If you want to know more about them, click on  http://www.moesengriet.