..konecne nadisiel cas vyuzivania letnych domov v Skandinavii, tak sa na jeden teraz pozrime.... ...nachadza sa v Dansku a je krasny, prezit leto by som si tam vedela predstavit :) ...tento dom jednoznacne patri medzi moje srdcove, uz len tym, ze ma velke okna, cize je tu maximalne vyuzitie denneho svetla, potom ma krasne drevene podlahy, dreveny nabytok...jedalensky stol je viac ako fascinujuci :) ..tento letny dom ma uzasnu atmosferu a zaujimavy, krasny ako exterier, tak aj interier... * ...Finally....we have time for summer houses and Scandinavia is full of these wonderful houses... ...today's house is located in Denmark and the interior is absolutely fabulous .... ...I love this summer house for some things as bigger windows and people can use a lot f daylight, lovely wooden floors, nice wooden furniture....oh yes, dining table is so stunning.... ...this danish space has wonderful exterior and interior too.....I would like to be there during summer :)... ...