Images via Alvhemmakleri ...rozhodne by bolo velkym hriechom neuverejnit tento byt na mojom blogu....mozem naozaj povedat, ze realitna kancelaria Alvhemmakleri ma velky skvost v tomto byte pripraveny na predaj.... ...cely interier ocari svojou priestrannostou a interierovym stylingom....kazdy jeden m2 je fantasticky a fakt, ze domaci velmi dobre vybrali materialy, nabytok, postery, obrazy, ci rozne ine doplnky, ale pre mna uzasne vyznie lampa od Arneho Jacobsena, je to jednoducho uchvatny kusok.... * ....when I saw this apartment which is located in Gotheborg I had to post it on my blog.....I can say that it is a big tresure which Real Estate Agency Alvhemmakleri prepared for sale.... ...whole apartment is magical and interesting thanks to space and interior styling...we can see everywhere nice materials, furniture, posters, pictures, different accessories and what I love in this interior is fantastic lamp of Arne Jacobsen....:)