Images via Stadshem ...ani dnesny den nebude vynimkou a ponukam Vam na svojom blogu stylovu lahodku ....toto pomenovanie pre tento skandinavsky interier je naozaj vystizne, pretoze jeho styling a vysledny look su uchvatne... fotografiach, ktore najdete pod textom, sa mozete presvedcit, ze cely interier posobi velmi pohodlne az domacky, co je viac ako plus :).... ...obyvatelia, ktori tu byvaju, stavili velmi dobre na minimalizmus, postery, zname a kvalitne skandinavske to jednoduche, krasne a velmi prijemne a veru, ze sa tu musi velmi dobre byvat...:) * ...I have chosen for you really cute and lovely scandinavian apartment which is nice thanks to fantastic interior's styling and final look is great...:) ...on the images below you can find the comfort absolutely in every corner ..:) ...the people who live there, love the minimalism, the posters and chose fantastic scandinavian furniture and decorations with high quality... ...oh yes, it is real...