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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu apríla 19, 2014

Fantasticky biely byt s modrym akcentom / Fantastic white apartment with blue accent

Dnes som trosku popozerala v ponuke dalsej skvelej svedskej realitnej kancelarie a natrafila som na tento krasny byt. Zaujal ma ako skvelo ta modra vyzera s bielou. Je to neskutocne ako vsetko spolu ladi, takze vysledok nemoze byt iny ako krasny. Aj ja mam zaujem o bielu sofu, ale rozhodne ked deti budu vacsie alebo pre istotu az uplne velke :) Kazda jedna izba je pekna, ale asi najviac ma pri srdiecku zohrieva, ked sa pozeram na obyvaciu izbu, skoda, ze v spalni nesiahli po modrej, tak by vyzerala tiez uchvatne.... Krasny den! Vasa Lucia Albertine * For today I have chosen other fantastic swedish real estate Lundin . This apartment is really nice, I didn´t know how is the blue and white combination lovely. Each room is nice but the nicest room is living room for me. I would like to have white sofa too but my children have to grow up...:) Have a nice day! Your Lucia Albertine Images via Lundin

Norman Copenhagen na Medzinarodnom veltrhu nabytku v Milane 2014 / Norman Copenhagen in International furniture fair in Milan 2014

Kazdorocne v aprili designovy svet upiera oci na Milano a tak to bolo aj tento rok. Od 8.aprila do 13.aprila sa konal Medzinarodny veltrh nabytku v Milane a bol to uz 7. rocnik. Norman sa predstavil kolekciou ERA a seriou stolov a stoliciek nazvanou FORM. Je to podla velmi vydarene, co  na to poviete vy? Prajem krasnu sobotu! Vasa Lucia Albertine * Each year in April design world is interesting in International furniture fair in Milan and this year was this nice event from 8.April to 13.April. This International furniture fair is always nice event and very interesting and Norman Copenhagen presented furniture collection called ERA and series of chairs and tables called FORM. I guess both collections are very nice. What do you think? Have a nice Saturday! Your Lucia Albertine Images via Nordicdays, Norman Copenhagen