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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu marca 11, 2014

Jarna krasa v zahrade / Spring´s beauty in the garden

Milujem zahrady a kedze svoju nemam,  kedze zijem s rodinou na sidlisku, tak sily chodim nacerpat na zahradu svojej maminky. Ked som tam, hned mam lepsiu naladu, viac sil a lepsie objekty na pozeranie nez na sidlisku, myslim, ze moje fotografie hovoria za vsetko, len prosim ospravedlnte nizsiu kvalitu, fotila som to mobilom, fotak po ruke nebol :) Krasny den! Vasa Lucia Albertine * I love the gardens and I don´t have it so I visit the garden of my mother very often. When I am there I have a better mood, I feel better and especially I have very nice objects for watching....:) see my photos below....excuse me for low quality I took it by mobile phone, for next time I can not forget the camera..:) Have a lovely day! Your Lucia Albertine

Carovny skandinavsky byt s osobitnym stylom / Magical scandinavian apartment with nice style

Ked som zbadala tento byt od realitnej kancelarii Erika Olssona, bola som presvedcena, ze ho musim na svojom blogu jednoducho uverejnit. Je krasny, vzdusny a clovek sa v nom musi citit dobre. Samozrejme, musi mat rad vintage, priestor, drevo a jednoduchost. Je sice pomensi, ale kto ma deti, nema problem si zariadit v takomto style aj vacsi byt alebo dom.  Mne tento byt ucaril svojou atmosferou, stylom, nabytkom, pretoze ja drevom milujem a samozrejme nesmiem obist ani kvety, ktore tento osobitny styl dotvaraju. Ucaril aj Vam tento byt? Nenechajte ma v tom samu :) Krasny a slnecny den prajem! Vasa Lucia Albertine * When I saw this lovely apartment I was decided to post it on my blog. It is beautiful, fresh and airy space and I think everybody has to feel nicely there. Surely, inhabitants have to love the vintage, space, wood and simplicity. This flat is smaller but anyone who has children can arrange bigger flat or house in this style. I love this apartment for ...

Nové farby pre krásne lampy PH5 / New colors for nice lamps PH5

Tieto lampy PH 5 navrhol a vytvoril Poul Haningsen v roku 1958, no a teraz prišli v nových farbách. Musím povedať, že pre mňa osobne sú omnoho zaujímavejšie a atraktívnejšie .... Krásne slnečné ráno prajem! * These classical lamps PH 5 was designed by Poul Hanningsen in 1958 and now have new colors. I have to say that it is more interesting and attractive for me... Have a nice sunny morning! Your Lucia Albertine Images via Nordic Design